[Department Spotlight] Breaking Barriers in a Multifaceted Field of Healthcare

The Social Work department at CHA HPMC
March is National Social Work Month and we wanted to learn more about the Social Work department at CHA HPMC.
We spoke about the annual theme for the field of social work, “Breaking Barriers”, as well as the important role the department plays in serving our hospital and community. Below are some questions that we asked the team.
What does social work mean to you and what inspired you to enter into this corner of mental healthcare?
Social Work means working for and serving those in need. Our team has worked in Community Mental Health for many years and wanted to experience working in a hospital setting. This experience has helped us grow as professionals in this huge field that expands in so many areas.
The theme of Social Work Breaks Barriers is literally groundbreaking in the US at this time, a time when the de-escalation of potentially harmful situations and conflict that has arisen due to mental health crisis is tantamount to the survival of many individuals with acute mental health issues and arguably, full communities.
How do you view this mission and your role in preventing law enforcement intervention and ‘use of force’ in these instances?
Breaking barriers is exactly what our team does while working at this hospital in an area of Hollywood where mental health issues are a huge problem. The Social Work team works very closely with law enforcement due to the fact that they bring patients into our emergency room that require crisis interventions due to their intense mental health needs.
We are able to provide support by linking and coordinating psychiatric placements for those highrisk patients that are brought to us. We are able to take them off the streets, where they are at risk for harmful situations and provide the intervention that they require and get them transported to a safe location.
If you could offer any suggestions to aspiring social workers, caregivers at CHA Hollywood Presbyterian, and our community at large about maintaining mental and emotional well-being, what would they be?
Having hope that things will be ok. Be present to those in need and offer an ear to those who need to be heard as we feel that is what most individuals in crisis need. People want to be heard and acknowledged. Acknowledging someone who is in crisis gives them hope that there are people who care about their well-being.
Through interviewing the Social Work department at CHA HPMC, we learned that these hard working, passionate professionals provide round-the-clock services to our patients. There are social workers on-site 24 hours a day. In a profession that can include individual private practice therapy, these Good Samaritans choose to serve a highneeds community. We are so grateful to their immense contribution to CHA HPMC and to the Greater Los Angeles population. #
[부서 스포트라이트] 할리우드 차병원 사회복지팀
할리우드 차병원 사회복지팀은 사회복지사가 24시간 상주하며 정신건강 위기를 겪는 환자들을 대상으로 서비스를 제공 중이다. 사회복지팀은 최근 몇 년간 지역사회의 정신건강 문제를 해결하기 위해 많은 노력을 기울였다. 환자의 정신건강 문제로 인해 발생할 수 있는 갈등이나 위험을 완화하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 또 사법 기관이 심각한 정신건강 문제가 있는 환자를 병원에 이송하면 고위험 환자를 정신건강의학과에 연계해 적절한 치료를 받고 안전한 곳으로 보낼 수 있도록 돕고 있다.