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U.S. News & World Report Names CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
A High Performing Hospital

CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center has been named by U.S. News & World Report to its 2023-2024 Best Hospitals as a High Performing hospital for heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke, hip fracture, and pneumonia care. This is the highest distinction a hospital can earn for U.S. News’ Best Hospitals Procedures & Conditions ratings.

The annual Procedures & Conditions ratings are designed to assist patients and their doctors in making informed decisions about where to receive care for challenging health conditions or elective procedures.

U.S. News evaluated more than 4,500 hospitals across 15 specialties and 21 procedures and conditions. Hospitals awarded a “Best” designation excelled at factors such as clinical outcomes, level of nursing care and patient experience.

“For 34 years, U.S. News has provided data-informed rankings to help patients and their doctors find the best hospital to treat their illness or condition,” said Ben Harder, chief of health analysis and managing editor at U.S. News. “Fewer than half of evaluated hospitals earned any High Performing rating. Hospitals that are High Performing have excelled in providing high quality care in specific procedures and/or conditions.” #

할리우드 차병원, U.S News & World Report에 우수 성과 병원으로 선정
할리우드 차병원은 U.S News & World Report로부터 2023-2024년도 심장마비, 심부전, 신부전, 뇌졸중, 고관절 골절, 폐렴 치료 분야에서 우수 성과 병원으로 선정됐다.
U.S News & World Report는 매년 4,500개 병원을 대상으로 15개 진료 과와 21개 치료 분야를 대상으로 치료 성과와 간호 수준, 환자 경험을 평가해 우수 병원을 발표한다.

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