글로벌 헬스케어 

The Value of a Community Hospital
in our Neighborhood

할리우드 차병원은 LA를 대표하는 ‘커뮤니티 병원’으로, 환자들의 다양성을 존중하기 위해 다방면으로 노력하고 있다.
여러 문화권의 사람들이 모여있는 지리적 특성에 맞춰 주민들과 소통하며 각 문화의 특성을 살린 이벤트를 열고 있다. 건강한 사회를 만들기 위한 의료 강연회도 개최한다. 병원의 중요 의사결정을 함께하는 이사회는 의사, 응급의료종사자, 교육자, 활동가, 규제 전문가, 공공정책 전문가 등 지역사회에 깊은 유대감을 갖고 헌신하는 전문가로 구성했다. 할리우드 차병원 이사회 일원인 토마스 호로위츠(Dr. Thomas Horowitz) 박사는 “앞으로도 지역사회와 함께 상생하는 병원이 되도록 노력하겠다”고 말했다.

Community hospitals play an indispensable role in providing vital care to patients and the broader community. According to the American Hospital Association, community hospitals encompass “all non-federal, short-term general and other special hospitals whose facilities and services are available to the public.” The core value of these hospitals lies in their dedication to serving the local community.

As a community hospital, CHA Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (CHA HPMC) has proudly been serving Hollywood and surrounding communities for nearly a century, providing comprehensive healthcare services. We had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Thomas Horowitz, Family Medicine Specialist, and discuss the value of community hospitals in our neighborhood.

CHA HPMC has a true commitment to its mission statement- providing quality care with compassion and respect. It is staffed by healthcare providers deeply connected to this community and supported by a dedicated community governing board of directors. Unlike most large healthcare facilities with geographically distant corporate oversight, CHA HPMC’s board is comprised of local experts with strong connections to the area. The board includes physicians, prehospital care providers, community clinic representatives, educators, activists, regulatory experts, and public policy specialists, all working together for the well-being of the community. Furthermore, our medical staff receive top-quality continuous medical education to hone their skills and provide the best and safest care.

As a community hospital, we foster more personal relationships with our staff. We can adjust care more easily, addressing special patients’ needs with simplicity and avoiding bureaucratic complications. Our close ties to community groups make our organization more culturally sensitive.

At CHA HPMC, we have a supportive environment for personal care and management’s open-door policy makes it easy to address patients’ needs. In fact, the leadership team makes daily rounds to ensure easy access to management. For example, if I have patients with special needs, I can work with the administration, caregivers, and medical staff to promptly make most services available to them.

Having practiced in this community for almost 40 years, I have never had a better relationship with a hospital leadership team. There is never a “we do not do it that way” mindset, but always a “let’s sit down and work out the details” approach.

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