글로벌 헬스케어 

‘Melbourne City Clinic’ is open!


At City Fertility we know that comfort and convenience can go a long way to alleviating the stress of embarking on any assisted fertility journey.

The team at City Fertility Melbourne City is now offering patients all services in the one location at its new clinic in the eastern suburbs, a 10-minute walk from the MCG.

It’s an exciting time for Melbourne City Medical Director, Dr Anne Poliness and her colleagues.

“This new premises has been purpose-built for patient convenience, which means we now have a day hospital on site and can offer fertility specialist consultations, egg pickups and embryo transfers and follow-up appointments, not to mention the very latest state-of-the-art laboratory technology all in the one location,” she said.

The new 1300-square-metre City Fertility clinic is spacious with consulting rooms provided on level 1 and the day hospital and state-of-the-art laboratory on level 2.

As a patient you can expect to experience the warm, inviting, professional atmosphere they have come to know from the Melbourne City team, a little closer to the city.

Our custom-designed clinic offers a blend of modern comfort and convenience and there is plenty of onsite and street parking and the Jolimont train station is just 500 metres down the road.

The experienced team of nurses, scientists and fertility specialists, which include Dr Poliness, Dr David Wilkinson, Dr Hossam Elzeiny, Dr Wan Tinn Teh, Dr Vadim Mirmilstein, Dr John Negri, Dr Pregs Pillay, Dr Boski Shah and Dr Hamon Ng, are committed to patient-centred care and pregnancy success.

“Putting the patient first is our biggest priority, we are there with them every step of the way, tailoring their fertility plan to their specific needs.

“Our number one priority is getting our patients pregnant, and we look forward to many more successful pregnancies from our new clinic in the coming months and years,” added Dr Poliness.

In the past 21 years, City Fertility Group has assisted patients in delivering more than 18,000 babies. This relocation reinforces City Fertility’s continued commitment to high quality patient-centred care.

Nationally, City Fertility has more than 50 consulting locations, 60+ specialists, and 16 IVF clinics and state-of-the-art laboratories, like Jolimont, nationwide.

In addition to the Melbourne City Clinic, the group has a growth plan that will see it further expand its presence across Australia, which is great news for hopeful parents in metro and regional locations.

To make a booking at the City Fertility Melbourne’s Jolimont clinic please reach out to their Fertility Advice Centre on 1300 354 354 or visit www.cityfertility.com.au

멜버른 시티 클리닉 오픈

호주 시티퍼틸리티(City Fertility)는 지난 10월 멜버른 시티에 난임클리닉을 오픈했다. 상담부터 난자채취, 배아 이식 등 모든 서비스를 한 곳에서 받을 수 있다. 졸리몬트(Jolimont) 기차역에서 500미터 거리에 위치해 접근성이 좋다.

폴리니스(Poliness) 박사, 데이비드 윌킨슨(David Wilkinson) 박사, 호삼 엘제이니(Hossam Elzeiny) 박사 등 난임 전문가를 비롯해 경험이 풍부한 연구원들과 간호사들이 임신 성공을 위해 최선을 다하고 있다.

차헬스케어는 2018년 호주 시티퍼틸리티를 인수해 국내 최초로 호주 난임치료 시장에 진출했다. 브리즈번, 시드니, 벨머른 등 호주 주요 5개 도시에 31개의 난임 클리닉을 운영하고 있다. 호주 시티퍼틸리티는 세계적으로 인정받는 차병원의 생식의학 기술을 도입해 시험관아기 시술 사이클 횟수를 높이고 난자 선별 기술과 배양 기술을 공유해 임신성공률을 획기적으로 높이면서 실력을 인정받고 있다.

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