City Fertility implemented
RI Witness ART Management System

When it comes to assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures involving eggs, sperm, and embryos, ensuring gamete safety and accuracy is of utmost importance. Witnessing or “double checking” at every critical stage of the process is one way we ensure the safety of our gametes and embryos. At our clinics, in addition to our comprehensive quality management system, we have implemented an additional 2-stage monitoring system that includes a state-of-the-art electronic witnessing system called the RI Witness ART Management System.
RI Witness: The global gold standard
The RI Witness ART Management System is the world’s most established and trusted ART witnessing system, setting the global gold standard for ensuring errors are prevented in IVF laboratories. This technology utilises Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to continuously detect and monitor work within our andrology and embryology labs. RFID technology eliminates the potential for human error associated with misperception and repetitive tasks, creating a robust and reliable system.
The core functionality of the RI Witness system is its ability to automatically monitor all critical stages of the IVF process, from sperm preparation to the use of sperm in the lab. By leveraging RFID technology, the system ensures real-time tracking and verification of procedures, leaving no room for oversight or ambiguity. If, at any stage of the process, an incorrect sample is placed near/ in the vicinity of the reciprocal sample, the RI witnessing system will alarm to prevent our scientists from proceeding.
Physical Witnessing Checkpoints
To further enhance the safety and accuracy of the process, we have implemented a secondary check involving physical witnessing checkpoints. This process requires two people to check and witness the identification/labeling of the relevant samples, and then their two signatures are recorded to verify the double-checking process at every crucial stage of the treatment process. These witnessing checkpoints act as an additional layer of protection, confirming that the correct gametes/sample are being used throughout the process.
Prior to use: All recipient paperwork is double-checked to ensure the correct donor code is present on all documents and matches the original selection made by the recipient.
Sample Retrieval: Before the IVF process begins, two scientists witness the removal of the correct donor sample from our cryotanks. This initial step establishes the foundation for the entire procedure.
Sperm Preparation: After thawing and before sample preparation begins, two scientists witness and scan the sample with the RI Witness system, matching it to the recipient. The final preparation tube is also RI labelled before moving to the next phase of the process.
Use in the Embryology Laboratory: For a donor insemination, the final witnessing checkpoint occurs just before insemination, with a scientist, clinician and patient all involved in checking the final sample. For IVF procedures, two scientists manually witness the sample and oocytes in the laboratory before insemination occurs. In both situations, RI witness is also utilised, with sperm tubes and oocyte dishes all tagged by the RI system. Patients are also allocated an ID card which gives an extra layer of identification prior to insemination, egg collection or embryo transfer.
Our Commitment to Donor Safety
At our clinics, the safety of our patients and their precious embryos and gametes is our top priority and a crucial aspect of our laboratory policies and procedures. Combining our comprehensive quality system with the RI Witness ART Management System and the practice of physical witnessing at each critical stage of the process, we have established a comprehensive approach to ensure the highest level of accuracy and safety for our patients. By continuing to invest in advanced technology and maintaining rigorous quality system protocols, we remain at the forefront of IVF laboratories worldwide, providing our patients with the best possible care and outcomes.#
호주 시티퍼틸리티 배아식별시스템(Ri Witness) 구축
호주 시티퍼틸리티(City Fertility)는 난임 환자들이 안심하고 시술 받을 수 있도록 배아식별시스템(Ri Witness) 프로그램을 도입했다. 채취한 난자와 정자, 배아 등에 인식표를 붙이고, RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) 기술로 난임 시술 단계마다 환자의 샘플을 기록하고 추적한다. 환자는 자신의 정보가 들어있는 RI 카드로 배아 이식 전 해당 배아가 본인의 것인지 확인할 수 있고, 연구원은 RFID 태그로 환자 정보, 생식세포의 현재 위치 등 난임 시술 진행과정을 빠르고 정확하게 알 수 있다. 그 결과, 난임센터를 이용하는 환자들의 정보를 이중, 삼중으로 확인하고 모든 과정을 점검하고 기록해 난임 시술의 안전성을 획기적으로 높였다.
차헬스케어는 2018년 호주 시티퍼틸리티를 인수해 국내 최초로 호주 난임치료 시장에 진출했다. 난자 선별 기술과 배양 기술 등 한국의 우수한 난임 기술을 접목하고 있다. 호주 시티퍼틸리티는 2017년 한국 최초로 배아식별시스템을 도입한 차병원 난임센터와 연계해 난임시술의 안정성과 임신 성공률을 높여나갈 계획이다.