CHA MEDITECH is actively promoting
Hyafilia at AMWC Latin America

The CHA BIO group, CHA MEDITECH participated in the skin beauty exhibition “2023 AMWC Latin America” held in Columbia from the 19th to the 21st and had a time to promote its flagship HA filler ‘Hyafilia’ and cosmetics ‘Celltermi’.

2023 AMWC Latin America
AMWC is the world’s largest exhibition in the field of plastic surgery and beauty clinics, with more than 1,000 visitors from around the world every year. CHA MEDITECH promoted booths that focused on its manufacturing technology to showcase product differences to medical professionals at AMWC, based on its products such as Hyafilia SMV, Celltermi and others.

In particular, AMWC Latin America is a place where medical staff and industry workers from Latin America spend time together to communicate about the latest healthcare trends, so CHA MEDITECH has implemented a strategy to expand its entry countries by informing them of the features of its flagship export products such as Hyafilia SMV and Cosmetics Celltermi.

CHA MEDITECH in 2023 AMWC Latin America
CHA MEDITECH will never stop our work including participating overseas exhibitions to develop our export product and promote company’s achievement. Actuality, CHA MEDITECH participated ‘IMCAS World Congress 2023′ held in Paris, ’22nd Dubai Derma Exhibition’ held in Dubai, ‘In-Cosmetics Global 2023’ held in Barcelona in this year.

22nd Dubai-Derma Exhibition

IMCAS World Congress 2023 in Paris
And also have a plan to participate IMCAS World Congress 2024 which will hold in Paris to expand entry countries for selling our export products on next year. On IMCAS World Congress 2024, we will focus on recently popular product, Dorothy DEWY to announce the merits of its product.
CHA MEDITECH, as a global aesthetic company, has launched cosmetic brands alongside medical device brands and is continuing to develop new cosmetic products.
차메디텍, AMWC Latin America에서 히아필리아 집중 홍보
차메디텍은 10월 19일부터 21일까지 콜롬비아에서 열린 성형외과 및 미용클리닉 분야 학술대회인 ‘2023 AMWC(Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress) 라틴아메리카’에 참가했다. 이번 행사는 중남미의 의료진 및 업계 종사자 1,000여명이 참가했다. 차메디텍은 이들을 대상으로 히알루론산 필러 ‘히아필리아 S/M/V’와 화장품 ‘셀터미’ 등 자사 주력 제품의 특장점을 알리며 수출 국가를 확대하기 위해 노력했다.
차메디텍은 올해 AMWC 라틴아메리카 외에도 ‘IMCAS 세계박람회 2023’, ‘제22회 두바이 더마 전시회’, ‘인-코스메틱 글로벌 2023’ 등 행사에 참가하며 자사 제품의 강점을 적극 알리고 있다.