[Department Spotlight] A Multi-Dimensional Discipline
Occupational Therapy Team at CHA HPMC
April is Occupational Therapy Month. We know our Therapy Services team covers a broad range of life-changing services. It was great to learn exactly what this branch of therapy does for our patients. Here are some answers to our questions from the team!
What does an Occupational Therapist do and what issues do you treat? What makes OT special/ unique?
An Occupational Therapist helps people engage in activities that are most meaningful to them, as independently as possible after a traumatic event. Such events include, stroke, motor vehicle accident, orthopedic surgery, and respiratory failure. In acute and rehab settings we work on improving balance, fine motor and gross motor skills, cognitive skills, and building up activity tolerance for daily activities. We also collaborate with patients to establish
goals and design activities that are individualized to each patient. What makes OT special is that we use a holistic and client centered approach to help our patients get back to a sense of normalcy.
What advice would you offer aspiring Occupational Therapists, from education to career advancement?
Aspiring OTs should shadow therapists in multiple settings in order to gain more insight and knowledge on what area of practice they want to pursue. Potential future OTs may want to access resources through professional organizations such as American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and Occupational Therapy Team California Board of Occupational Therapy (CBOT). #
[부서 스포트라이트] 할리우드 차병원 작업치료팀
작업치료는 환자가 정상적인 일상으로 돌아갈 수 있도록 돕는 과정이다. 작업치료사는 뇌졸중, 교통사고, 정형외과 수술, 호흡 부전 등 외상을 입은 환자들이 일상생활로 돌아갈 수 있도록 돕는다. 할리우드 차병원 작업치료팀은 환자 개인 상황에 맞춰 목표를 설정하고, 환자와 협력해 프로그램을 구성하는 등 고객중심 서비스를 제공한다. 주요 프로그램으로는 균형, 대근육 운동능력, 인지능력 등 일상생활에 필요한 기능을 돕는 활동들이 있다.